NAND Intern Reception Invitation

Nashville Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics invites you to a reception to welcome 2019-2020 Dietetic Interns in the Middle Tennessee area.

Who: Dietetic Interns for 2019-2020 calendar year in the middle Tennessee area. Interns do not need to be a member to attend this event. We welcome all who want to learn more about NAND and our events this year.

What: Reception welcoming interns to NAND, informing interns of events for 2019-2020 year and ways that they can be involved. The first portion of the event will be a short yoga fusion fitness class, please wear comfortable clothing. *Also if you own a yoga mat please bring one.

Where: Lipscomb University – Student Activities Center

              1 University Park Drive

   (Please see attached map for further directions)

When: Thursday, September 5th, 2019 5:30-7:00 pm

Questions? Please email any questions or concerns.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Light refreshments will be served.

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